Who We Are

About EGd

The visionary couple of The Glory of God Church EGD



5. That Salvation is A GIFT OF GOD’S GRACE based on the redemption accomplished in JESUS ​​CHRIST by his blood shed on the cross, and not the merit of our human works (Ephesians 1. 4-7; 2.8-10) . Glory of God Church believes that Jesus Christ died for all worlds, but only those who believe in Him receive salvation by grace, which they cannot lose (John 3:16-18). Therefore, they are no longer under condemnation, but are justified. This Justification restores their fellowship with God and involves the passing of all our sins onto Christ and the imputation of Christ’s righteousness to ourselves (Romans 8:30-33; 1 Peter 2:24).

6. Christian Baptism by immersion in JESUS ​​CHRIST (Acts 8. 36-39) is the solemn testimony of a believer who manifests his faith in the Savior crucified, dead, buried and resurrected on the third day. Thus he is united in death to sin and in his resurrection into newness of life (Romans 6:1-11). It is also a sign of communion and identification with a local church (Acts 2. 41-42). The act of baptism involves two people: The believer and the servant of God. The believer is baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in whom he has believed; The servant of God accomplishes the act in obedience to the order he received from his Master, therefore in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

7. The Lord’s Supper is an act by which the believer approaches the Lord’s table to remember the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. This act must always be preceded by an examination of conscience (1 Corinthians 11. 23-32). This Lord’s Supper constitutes a real Communion with the resurrected Christ, through his body and blood until he returns (1Corinthians 10.1-6).

8. The baptism of the Holy Spirit promised by the Lord Jesus Christ and which was manifested on the day of Pentecost (Acts2.1-12). We believe in all manifestations of the Holy Spirit as experienced by the Disciples and Apostles of the Lord (speaking in tongues, various gifts, prodigies and miracles (Acts 4. 23-33).

9. To absolute holiness of the Christian living on earth. The man who has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is Sanctified and justified by faith to God. Therefore, he is declared a HOLY and recognized as such. This sanctification concerns his position (1 Corinthians 6 . 11; Hebrews 10. 14). We also believe that there is progressive sanctification through the work of the Holy Spirit. The believer becomes more and more like Christ by obeying the word of God and allowing himself to be filled by the power of the Holy Spirit (John 17. 17; Romans 6. 1 – 22; 1 Thessalonians 4. 3 -7). Thus, he is called to keep his communion with His God by renouncing impiety, the lusts of world and must live the love which is manifested in the zeal of good works (Titus 2.11-14).

10. We believe in monogamous, heterosexual marriages between a masculine man and a feminine woman; only marriages of one man and one woman are accepted and celebrated in all our EGD Churches (Genesis 1.27-28, Genesis 2.18-25).

11. The Glory Church of God believes that Jesus Christ will return in physical person to rapture his church (1 Thessalonians 4. 16). If Christians believe that he died on the cross, was buried, rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father in in the process of interceding for them, they must also believe that from there, before the tribulation, he will come in person to remove his Church from this earth and to reward the believers according to their works (John 14. 1-3). After which, he will return with all his saints to reign for a thousand years (Revelation 20. 1-7), at the end of which he will judge the living and the dead (Revelation 20. 11-15). His return constitutes a great hope for Christians (Titus 2. 12-13). No one knows the day or hour of his coming.


The Glory of God Church/EGD is a Pentecostal religious denomination born in the Revival Churches movement of the years 1985-1995. Our confession of faith is based on the BIBLE, which is the inspired Word of God:

1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, which constitutes the only infallible authority for faith and practice (Deuteronomy 6:4; John 17:3; Hebrews 11:6). It reveals God’s will to man. The Bible contains 66 books which constitute the complete and error-free truth of God; including the Old Testament (39 books) and the New Testament (27 books).

2. There is ONE TRUE “ETERNAL” GOD, who has neither beginning nor end. He is Holy Spirit, Infinite, Love and Immutable. He exists eternally in THREE PERSONS: THE FATHER, THE SON and THE HOLY SPIRIT. All cooperate in one Spirit and for one purpose; they are inseparable “ONE”.

3. That God created man in his image and likeness from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils his breath of life (Genesis 1.26-27; 2.7). Man (Adam and Eve) became a living being, created without error to live eternally with God in communion and joy.

4. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, sinned by going against the commandments of the Lord (They ate the fruit of the tree forbidden by God). So they disobeyed God and fell into the sin of transgression which separates him from God and were cast out of the Garden of Eden. As a result, man lost his innocence and suffered the punishment of spiritual and physical death. Thus sin entered the world and all creation cursed (Genesis 3. 1-19).





This vision is accompanied by promises which must be fulfilled in strict respect of the Lord’s directives and obedience to all his Word:

1. The Glory Church of God is a cedar (Ezekiel 17. 22-24)
2. The Glory Church of God is a torrent of blessed water (Ezekiel 47. 1-12)
3. The Glory Church of God is a basket of good figs (Jeremiah 24.1-7)
4. The Glory Church of God is a great Cistern of pure water (John 4.14; Hebrews 10.22)
5. The Glory Church of God is a light (Matthew 5.14-16)
6. God says, “I will not allow anyone to stop water from flowing from this flesh or from anyone who causes trouble and division” (John 17:22-23).
This is how this work of God began under the impetus of this Vision of THE GLORY CHURCH OF GOD / EGD.

This man is no one else except the servant of God ISAAC MWANAUME MUFAMBALI. Already in March 1995, the Lord God had given Pastor ISAAC MWANAUME MUFAMBALI the vision of John 11.40 “Did I not tell you that, If you believe you will see the Glory of God? », during a three-day prayer accompanied by his wife JOSEE MWAYUMA. The Vision was supported by his close collaborators in the person of MICHEL KASENDWE, SUZANNE SAFI, SIMON PIERRE MUTOMBO, WILLY KUMAKINGA and other brothers and sisters.

The Lord had communicated to him: “IF YOU BELIEVE YOU WILL SEE THE GLORY OF GOD” (John 11.40). He developed the teachings before the assembly of saints from Wednesday May 22 to Sunday May 26, 1995, teachings which convinced the entire community. The same year a choir of mothers was born under the name: “CHORAL GLORY OF GOD”, and on several occasions the Holy Spirit did not stop giving us during the prayer services the biblical prophecy of AGGEE 2. 3-9 . It is these revelations which founded our faith to give the Church the name “THE CHURCH GLORY OF GOD” (EGD).

The Holy Spirit has convinced us that this GREAT VISION OF GLORY is from God who has called us into his field. At the birth of the Church, the Holy Spirit spoke several times to the elders and intercessors that the Church was like a new vehicle without oil. We held prayers several times and the same message kept coming back without any explanation. But the Lord kept saying “Did the Pastor put oil in the vehicle before driving? “.

Having understood that Pastor Isaac Mwanaume Mufambali had to go, alone, to seek the face of the Lord JESUS CHRIST to receive the directives to lead this great work. This is how he withdrew in prayer with fasting for forty days, from Sunday December 22, 1996 to Thursday January 30, 1997. It was during this period that the Lord, through his Holy Spirit gave him the clear explanation and clear of this GREAT VISION to follow so that this Church truly reflects the GLORY OF GOD.

Primary and secondary schools in Idjwi and Mugunga/Goma (North Kivu); support for the schooling of Pygmy and vulnerable children. All of this is the contribution of the sacrifices of the servants and members through their unconditional financial commitment. We cannot fail to thank our friends from HARVEST VISION and PIPES International who assist us in evangelization and supervision of the Pygmy Schools.

In conclusion, we affirm with certainty that God has manifested his FAITHFULNESS to his servants and to his VISION. He accomplished great works and Stephanic visitations to confirm his presence. From September 1995 to the present day 2021, the EGD Church has 31 living parishes with land specific to several, constructions of Temples in hard and plank form, a private housing and agricultural concession for the Pygmies of Idjwi (South Kivu) , two primary schools.

II. History of the Glory of God Church


The Glory of God Church “EGD” in acronym, was born from the voluntary quest of the children of God who, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, sought to fully fulfill the supreme order of our Lord and Savior JESUS ​​CHRIST which stipulates, according to the Evangelist Matthew, we quote: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world” (Matthew 28:19-20).

This goes back, in fact, to the option exercised at the end of the meditation retreat led by the servants of God from Monday August 7, 1995 to Wednesday 9 of the same month, in Goma. But, before this year it functioned as a prayer group under the name “All by the Grace of God, TGD in Acronym”. As a result of the multiple difficulties she encountered in the face of local Churches, let us note: Christian Baptism, Holy Communion, the blessing of Marriages and even the blessing of children,

Considering the multiple revelations that the Lord God gave to his visiting and resident servants, through prophecies, dreams, visions…,

Since the children of God were mistreated and were refused by their local churches to participate in Holy Communion, sometimes even excommunicated because they attended the prayer group.

During this retreat a special grace will be granted to this non-profit association from its birth, by raising among the spiritual leaders of the Group a man to whom the Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST revealed a specific framework of work for the glory of his great and formidable name. This reality was thus unanimously recognized, and it was under his leadership that the work began to be carried out.


The major concern of the Glory of God Church/EGD remains the fulfillment of the supreme order that the Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST entrusted to his disciples and his Apostles at the end of his earthly Ministry (Matthew 28.19-20). To this end, seven fundamental objectives are assigned to the Glory of God Church, namely:

1. Bringing the lost souls of God to the Lord Jesus Christ through the proclamation of the Good News (Gospel of salvation), through animation of evangelization campaigns, door-to-door visits, social and evangelical works carried out in hospitals, penitentiaries, prisons, homes for the elderly, orphans, etc. (Romans 10.14-15).

2. Planting the Glory of God Churches where they do not exist, by the house cell method in accordance with the EGD Vision.

3. Promote good conditions for the growth and improvement process of the members of the Church, through strengthening, collective worship, biblical seminars, retreats and prayer vigils, biblical conferences and other training of servants through Bible schools.

4. Assist the needy in the place where the Church is established, according to possibilities (Isaiah 58. 6-9; James 1. 27).5. Carry out humanitarian actions for those in need who are inaccessible and finally integrate them into society (the Pygmies, the abandoned, the raped, etc.).

6. Promote the framework of collaboration between Churches and other Christian associations (body of Christ) for the intensification of spiritual combat (unity of Christians, reconciliation of peoples, etc.) throughout the entire universe (Luke 9.49-50) .

7. The initiation of mini production and support projects for widows, orphans, the poor and the unemployed.



As a result, a request to obtain legal personality was submitted to the Ministry of Justice and Keeper of the Seals. This earned him a provisional authorization to carry out activities at the Asbl EGD sanctioned by registration certificate No. 39/ Just GS/ DR NK of July 30, 1996 from the regional division of justice and keeper of the seals of the north Kivu. Which request will be responded to by the letter from the Secretary General to the Ministry of Justice and Keeper of the Seals No. JUST.GS/SG/20/1139/2006 notifying the Legal Representative of the Asbl EGD of ministerial order no. 309/CAB/ MIN/J/2006 of 09/18/2006 (see Official Journal of the same date) granting legal personality to the Glory of God Church and thus authorizing it to work on the entire extent of the DRC.

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